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Monday, August 11, 2014



  1. The system field, which indicates success or failure of a SQL operation, is SY-SUBRC.
  2. What is the syntax for specifying database table name at runtime in SELECT statement.
  1. How do you read selected lines of database table into an internal table in packages of predefined size.
Where n is variable.
  1. Name the WILDCARD characters which are used for comparisons with character strings & numeric strings. ‘%’ and ‘-‘.
  2. In SELECT statements can you specify a variable in WHERE condition or a part of the condition, if so what is the syntax.
SELECT * FROM <table>WHERE <var1><condition><var or const>.
  1. Name the ABAP/4 key words, which are used to change the contents of database table.
7. How to specify a client for database table processing.
  1. How do you write a DATA object from ABAP/4 program to ABAP/4 memory and restore the same from memory to program.
EXPORT <f1>[FROM <g1>]<f2>[FROM <g2>]…. TO MEMORY ID <key>.
The ID <key>, which can be up to 32 characters long, identifies the data in memory.
  1. What are DATA CLUSTERS?
You can group any complex internal data objects of an ABAP/4 program together in data clusters and store them temporarily in ABAP/4 memory or for longer periods in databases.  You can store data clusters in special databases of the ABAP/4 Dictionary.  These databases are known as ABAP/4 cluster databases and have a predefined structure.  Storing a data cluster is specific to ABAP/4.  Although you can also access cluster databases using SQL statements, only ABAP/4 statements are able to decode the structure of the stored data cluster.
  1. Statements used to delete data objects in ABAP/4 memory FREE MEMORY [ID <key>].
  2. How will you create a file on application server.
Open dataset <dsn> for output.
  1. ABAP/4 statement for opening a file on application server for reading Open dataset <dsn> for input.
  2. How will you transfer data into a file in application server?
Data fname(60) value ‘mYFILE’.
Data num type i.
Open dataset fname for output.
Do 10 times.
  Num = Num +1.
  Transfer num to fname.
  1. Name the function modules to write data from an Internal Table to the Presentation Server.
  1. Name the function module that can be used to give information about files on Presentation Server and about its Operating System.
  1. Name the ABAP/4 key word, which is used to clear the Headerline of an Internal Table.
  1. Name the function modules to read data from Presentation Server into an Internal Table.
  1. Name the ABAP/4 keywords to initialize an Internal Table with and without headerline.
REFRESH <itab>.
  1. How to determine the attributes of an internal table?
DESCRIBE TABLE <itab>[LINES <lin>] [OCCURS <occ>].
  1. Name the ABAP/4 key word for searching a string in an Internal Table.
SEARCH <itab> FOR <str><options>.
The different options (<options>) for the search in an internal table are:

Searches table<itab>for a word containing the character string specified in <str>, where other characters might separate the characters. The first letter of the word and the string <str> must be the same.
Searches table<itab> for <str>, starting at line <line1>. <\lin1> can be a variable.
Searches table <itab>for <str>upto line<lin2>. <lin2>can be a variable.
If the search string is found, all the characters in the search string (and all the characters in between when using ABBREVIATED) are converted to upper case.

  1. What are the different attributes that can be assigned to a variant?
The different attributes that can be assigned to a variant are….
Enter a short, meaningful description of the variant.  This may be upto 30 characters long.
Background only
Specify whether you want to use the variant in background processing only, or in online environment as well.
Protected variant.
Mark the field if you want to protect your variant against being changed by other users.
Do not display variant.
Mark this field if you want the variant name to be displayed in the catalog only, but not in the F4 value list.

For the selections you cover in a variant, you can enter the following attributes:
The system displays whether the field is a parameter or a select option.
Mark this field for each field on the selection screen you want to protect from being overwritten.  Values that you mark this way are displayed to the users, but they cannot change them, that are they are not ready to accept input.
If you mark this column, the system will not display the corresponding field on the selection screen the user sees when starting the report program.
Mark this column if you want to set the value for this field at runtime.

  1. Is it possible to create new dynamic programs during runtime of an ABAP/4 program? If so how?
To create new dynamic programs during the runtime of an ABAP/4 program, you must use an internal table.  For this purpose, you should create this internal table with one character type column and a line width of 72.  You can use any method you like from Filling Internal Tables to write the code of your new program into the internal table.  Especially, you can use internal fields in which contents are dependent on the flow of the program that you use to create a new one, to influence the coding of the new program dynamically.  The following example shows how to proceed in principal:
APPEND ‘WRITE/”Hello, I am dynamically created!”.’
Two lines of a very simple program are written into the internal table CODE.

In the next step you have to put the new module, in the above example it is a report, into the library.  For this purpose you can use the following statement:


INSERT REPORT <prog>FROM <itab>.

The program <prog> is inserted in your present development class in the R/3 Repository.  If a program with this name does not already exists, it is newly created with the following attributes:
Title: none,
Type: 1 (Reporting),
Application: S (Basis).
You can specify the name of the program <prog> explicitly within single quotation marks or you can write the name of a character field, which contains the program name.  The name of the program must not necessarily be the same as given in the coding, but it is recommended to do so.  <itab> is the internal table containing the source code.  For the above example you could write:

  1. Data types can be elementary or structured (T/F).
  1. The amount of memory associated with a data type is ZERO.
  2. Data objects are the physical units a program uses at runtime. (T/F).
  1. The data object does not occupy any space in memory. (T/F)
  1. What are the three hierarchical levels of data types and objects?
Program-independent data, defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
Internal data used globally in one program.
Data used locally in a procedure (subroutine, function module)

  1. How would you find the attributes of a data type or data object?
             [OUTPUT-LENGTH <o>] [DECIMALS <d>]
             [EDIT MASK <m>].
  1. The components of a field string cannot have different data types. (T/F).
  1. Field strings are also called as Record or Structures.
  2. If a field string is aligned (Left, centered, right justified etc.), the filler fields are also added to the length of the type C field. (T/F).
  1. You cannot assign a local data object defined in a subroutine or function module to a field group. (T/F)
  1. A field group reserves storage space for the fields, and does not contain pointers to existing fields (T/F).
  1. Defining a field group as ‘HEADER’ is optional (T/F)
  1. How would you define a field symbol?
  1. Which function module would you use to check the user’s authorization to access files before opening a file?
37.  Name the function module used to convert logical file names to physical file names in ABAP/4 programs.
  1. Parameters, which are defined during the definition of a subroutine with the FORM statement, are called Formal Parameters.
  2. Parameters which are specified during the call of a subroutine with the PERFORM statement are called Actual Parameters.
  3. In subroutines internal tables that are passed by TABLES, are always called by value and result. (T/F)
FALSE.  They are called by reference.


  1. Does every ABAP/4 have a modular structure?

  1. What is Modularization and its benefits?
If the program contains the same or similar blocks of statements or it is required to process the same function several times, we can avoid redundancy by using modularization techniques.  By modularizing the ABAP/4 programs we make them easy to read and improve their structure.  Modularized programs are also easier to maintain and to update.

  1. Name the ABAP/4 Modularization techniques.
·             Source code module.
·             Subroutines.
·             Functions.

  1. How can we create callable modules of program code within one ABAP/4 program?
·             By defining Macros.
·             By creating include programs in the library.

  1.  is the attribute type of the module program.

  1. Is it possible to pass data to and from include programs explicitly?
No.  If it is required to pass data to and from modules it is required to use subroutines or function modules.

  1. What are subroutines?
Subroutines are program modules, which can be called from other ABAP/4 programs or within the same program.

  1. What are the types of Subroutines?
·             Internal Subroutines: The source code of the internal subroutines will be in the same ABAP/4 program as the calling procedure (internal call).
·             External Subroutines: The source code of the external subroutines will be in an ABAP/4 program other than the calling procedure.

  1. It is not possible to create an ABAP/4 program, which contains only Subroutines (T/F).

  1. A subroutine can contain nested form and endform blocks. (T/F)

  1. Data can be passed between calling programs and the subroutines using Parameters.

  1. What are the different types of parameters?
       Formal Parameters: Parameters, which are defined during the definition of subroutine with the FORM statement.
       Actual Parameters: Parameters which are specified during the call of a subroutine with the PERFORM statement.

  1. How can one distinguish between different kinds of parameters?
·             Input parameters are used to pass data to subroutines.
·             Output parameters are used to pass data from subroutines.

  1. What are the different methods of passing data?
·             Calling by reference: During a subroutine call, only the address of the actual parameter is transferred to the formal parameters.  The formal parameter has no memory of its own, and we work with the field of the calling program within the subroutine.  If we change the formal parameter, the field contents in the calling program also changes.
·             Calling by value: During a subroutine call, the formal parameters are created as copies of the actual parameters.  The formal parameters have memory of their own.  Changes to the formal parameters have no effect on the actual parameters.
·             Calling by value and result: During a subroutine call, the formal parameters are created as copies of the actual parameters.  The formal parameters have their own memory space.  Changes to the formal parameters are copied to the actual parameters at the end of the subroutine.

  1. The method by which internal tables are passed is By Reference.

16.  How can an internal table with Header line and one without header line be distinguished when passed to a subroutine?
       Itab[] is used in the form and endform if the internal table is passed with a header line.

  1. What should be declared explicitly in the corresponding ABAP/4 Statements to access internal tables without header lines & why?
Work Area. This is required as the Work Area is the interface for transferring data to and from the table.

  1. A subroutine can be terminated unconditionally using EXIT. (T/F)

  1. A subroutine can be terminated upon a condition using CHECK Statement.

  1. Function Modules are also external Subroutines. (T/F).

  1. What is the difference between the function module and a normal ABAP/4 subroutine?
In contrast to normal subroutines function modules have uniquely defined interface.  Declaring data as common parts is not possible for function modules.  Function modules are stored in a central library.

  1. What is a function group?
A function group is a collection of logically related modules that share global data with each other.  All the modules in the group are included in the same main program.  When an ABAP/4 program contains a CALL FUNCTION statement, the system loads the entire function group in with the program code at runtime.  Every function module belongs to a function group.

  1. What is the disadvantage of a call by reference?
During a call by reference damage or loss of data is not restricted to the subroutine, but will instantly lead to changes to the original data objects.

  1. A function module can be called from a transaction screen outside an ABAP/4 program. (T/F).

  1. What is an update task?
It is an SAP provided procedure for updating a database.

  1. What happens if a function module runs in an update task?
The system performs the module processing asynchronously.  Instead of carrying out the call immediately, the system waits until the next database update is triggered with the ‘COMMIT WORK’ command.

  1. The function modules are created and stored in the Function Library.
  2. When a function module is activated syntax checking is performed automatically. (Y/N)

  1. What is the use of the RAISING exception?
The raising exception determines whether the calling program will handle the exception itself or leave the exception to the system.

  1. What is the difference between internal tables and extract datasets?
·             The lines of an internal table always have the same structure. By using extract datasets, you can handle groups of data with different structure and get statistical figures from the grouped data.
·             You have to define the structure of the internal table at the beginning. You need not define the structure of the extract dataset.
·             In contrast to internal tables, the system partly compresses exact datasets when storing them. This reduces the storage space required.
·             Internal tables require special work area for interface whereas extract datasets do not need a special work area for interface.

  1. It is possible to assign a local data object defined in a subroutine or function module to a field group. (T/F).
  1. What is the difference between field-group header and other field groups?
The header field group is a special field group for the sort criteria.  The system automatically prefixes any other field groups with the header field group.
  1. Can a filed occur in several field groups.
Yes.  But it leads to unnecessary data redundancy.
  1. When sorting the extract dataset the fields used as default sort key lie in the Header field group.
  2. What does the insert statement in extract datasets do?
      It defines the fields of a field group.
  1. What does the extract statement do in extract datasets?
The data is written to virtual memory by extract commands.
  1. A field-groups statement or an insert statement reverses storage space and transfers values. (T/F).
  1. While using extract datasets it is required to have a special workarea for interface (T/F)
  1. The LOOP-ENDLOOP on extract datasets can be used without any kind of errors (T/F)
False.  It causes runtime errors.
  1. The Maximum no of key fields that can be used in a header is 50.
  2. While sorting field groups we cannot use more than one key field (T/F).
  1. While sorting, if the main storage available is not enough, the system writes data to an external help file.  The SAP profile parameter, which determines this help file, is DIR_SORTTMP.

43.  The extract statements in field groups can be used before or after processing the sort statements. (T/F)


  1. Preparation of the data records by the L.D.B and reading of the data records in the actual report are accomplished with the command pair Put and Get.
  2. The three main elements of LDB are Structure, Selections, and Database Program.
  3. In LDB what determines hierarchy of the tables?
  1. In general what are the two ways in which one can retrieve data from tables?
Using Select statements, Database Program.
  1. With LDB one can modify the pre-generated selection screen to their needs (T/F).
  1. Logical databases are programs that read data from Database tables (Dictionary Structures).
  2. The event Get<table name> LATE process all tables that are hierarchically superior to the <table name>. (True/False)
False.  It processes all tables that are hierarchically inferior to the <table name>.
8. The Database Program of LDB is a collection of SUBROUTINES, which selects data and passes it to the report.
  1. The layout of the Database program is determined by both Structure and Selections.
  2.  The order in which data is made available to the report depends on Structure of the LDB.
  3. Apart from the structure and selections of the LDB the GET statements in the report determines the behavior of the database at runtime.
  4. Node at the highest level in the structure is known as Root.
  5. There can be more than one node at the highest level in the structure. (T/F)
False.  One can define only one node at the highest level in the structure on LDB.
  1. All nodes in the structure of LDB need not be defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary (T/F).
False.  One has to define all nodes in the Dictionary or one has to select all nodes that are defined in the Dictionary.
  1. It is not possible to use ABAP/4 Dictionary Structures without an underlying database using LDB. (T/F)
True.  One can use additionally related tables, along with the tables defined in the structure of LDB.
  1. Dynamic selections allow the user to define further selections for database access in addition to the selection criteria already defined in the LDB selections.
  2. Check statement can be used along with the event GET in the report for checking the selections, which are not table-specific values.
  3. In sense of Database Management System (DBMS) LOGICAL DATABASE is a database Structure. (T/F).
  1. It is not necessary to maintain the Parent-Child relationship between the tables in Logical Database Structure. (T/F)
False.  One has to maintain the Parent-Child relationship.
  1. Is it possible to extract data from tables without using the event ‘GET’ in the report with an appropriate LDB. (T/F).
False.  One can extract data from tables using Select statements in a report, though the report is having a LDB attribute.
  1. What sorts of tables one can se in designing the hierarchy of a LDB?
Tables, which are having Foreign Key relations.
  1. A report program, which uses only SELECT statements, is called SQL Report.
  2. One cannot use SELECT statements in a report program linked to a Logical Database (T/F).  False.
  3. Is it true that the Logical Database reads the data from the database tables using Select Statements (T/F).
Yes. We are coding that in Database part of LDB.

  1. In a report with an LDB attribute, you do not have to define how the information should be retrieved from the database tables, but only how the data should be represented on the screen. (T/F).
  1. One can use the event GET in a report without LDB attribute. (T/F).
  1. The last character of the LDB name denotes Application.
  2. The structure of Logical Databases reflects the Foreign Key dependencies of hierarchical tables in the SAP system.
  3. It is mandatory that for each table in the LDB hierarchy there should exist one GET statement in the report. (T/F).
False.  It is not necessary.
  1. What happens if a report does not contain a GET statement for a particular node of a Logical Database.
Process will transfer to the next event.
  1. In a Logical Database, one can define input fields on the selection screen with Select-Options and Parameters statements.
  2. Suppose a logical database program contains the following lines:
What will be the output, for the above two statements?
Only select-options connid for spfli-carrid will be displayed on the screen.

  1. Consider a report with F1S attribute, what will be the output for the following code.  Whether you will get the data from spfli and sflight or not, with corresponding tables statement,
     Write:/ spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, sflight-fldate, sbook-bookid.
     Yes, you will get the data from spfli and sflight.

  1. Consider a report with F1S attribute, what will be the output of the following code.  Whether you will get the data from sbook or not, with corresponding tables statement.
Write:/ spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, sflight-fldate, sbook-bookid.
You cannot extract data from sbook.

  1. Identify any errors in the following code and correct the same, and what will be the output.  If there exists corresponding tables statement, for spfli, sflight, sbook.
Write:/ spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, sflight-fldate, sbook-bookid, sbook-class.
No syntax errors.  You will get data from all the three tables.

  1. Does the following two statements do the same task?  If so which one takes less time and which one is recommended.
     Select * from spfli where spfli-carrid = ‘LH’ and spfli-connid = ‘400’.
     Select * from spfli. Check: spfli-carrid = ‘LH’ and spflid-connid = ‘400’.
    -Yes they will do the same task.  Second Select statement takes less time and is recommended.

  1. If you want to improve the response time (time to access data) Logical Databases permits you to achieve this using VIEWS.
  2. Is there any upper limit (max) to the possible number of nodes in a logical database structure? If so what is the limit?
Yes, there is an upper limit for defining number of nodes in a Logical Database Structure.
Maximum nodes = 1200 / length where length = max. Length of name in the structure.

  1. In the structure of Logical Database nodes at different levels are displayed in the same columns. (T/F) If false what types of nodes are displayed in the same columns. If true what type of nodes are not displayed in the same columns.
False.  Nodes at same levels are displayed in the same columns.

  1. What are the advantages of Logical Databases?
It offers an easy-to-use selection screens.  You can modify the pre-generated selection screen to your needs.  It offers check functions to check whether user input is complete, correct, and plausible.  It offers reasonable data selections.  It contains central authorization checks for data base accesses.  Enhancements such as improved performance immediately apply to all report programs that use the logical database.

  1. Though all the ABAP/4 Dictionary Structures that exists in the structure of the LDB, being defined in Database Program, we are defining the Dictionary Structures in the Report.  What is the reason for such declaration?
By declaring so we are providing work areas for data passing between Logical Database and Report.  In addition, the logical database configures the selection screen depending on the selection of database tables.

  1. Is it mandatory to declare all the tables in Report by the key word tables for all the tables that exist in the structure of LDB, and are being defined in the Database part of LDB.
No, It is not mandatory to declare all tables in report.

  1. If one wants to access data using Logical Database, the use of events is unavoidable. (T/F).   True.


  1. The alignment of a type ‘c’ field in a report is left Aligned.
  2. In the statement Write:/15(10) Ofal-lifnr. what do the number 15 and 10 stand for
      15 stand for the offset on the screen and 10 stands for the field length displayed.
3.      Specify the default alignment for the following field types:
‘D’ – Left, ‘F’-Right, ‘N’-Left, ‘I’-Right, ‘T’-Left.
  1. If s_time has the value ‘123456’ how would you get an output of 12:34:56 with a single ‘Write:’ statement.
Write:s_time using edit mask’--:--:--‘.
  1. In order to suppress the leading zeroes of a number field the keywords used are NO-ZERO.
  2. The total no of date formats that can be used to display a date during output is MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, MMDDYY, DDMMYY, YYMMDD.
  3. The UNDER Command allows for vertical alignment of fields one below the other.
  4. In order to concatenate strings only for output purposes the command NO-GAP can be used in conjunction with the ‘Write’ statement.
  5. The no of decimal places for output can be defines within a write statement. (T/F).
TRUE.  Write:/<F> decimals 2.
  1. Data can be moved from one field to another using a ‘Write:’ Statement and stored in the desired format. (T/F).
TRUE. Write: Date_1 to Date_2 format DD/MM/YY.
  1. In the statement Write:/15(10) lfa1-lifnr. The values 15 and 11 can also be defined by variables (T/F). False.
  2. Differentiate between the following two statements if any.
Write: sy-uline.
No-difference.  Except that uline is used outside the ‘Write’ Statement.
  1. In order to skip a single line the number of lines need not be given as an assignment (T/F)
  1. The “SKIP TO LINE line number” is dependent on the LINE-COUNT  statement included in the report statement of the program.
  2. In order to skip columns the command used is POSITION <n>.
  3. In order to have boldfaced text as output the command used is Write:<f>INTENSIFIED.
  4. Background and foreground colors can be interchanged using the command Format Inverse.
  5. In order to restore the system defaults for all changes made with the format statement is Format Reset.
  6.  Like ULINE the statement VLINE is used to insert vertical lines. (T/F).
20. Suppressing the number signs (+/-) is carried out using the addition NO-SIGNS to the Write statement. (T/F).    False.
  1. If SY-UZEIT has the value 6:34:45 it can be displayed as 063445 using No Edit Mask.
  2. If the variable “Text” has the value ‘ABCDEF’ the output for the statement “Write:/Text+2(3)” will be “CDE”
  3. The fields specified by select-options and parameters statement cannot be grouped together in the selection screen. (T/F).  False.
  4. When calling an external report the parameters or select-options specified in the external report cannot be called. (T/F)
  1. Selection Texts  in the text elements of the program helps in changing the displayed names of variables in the parameters statement.
  2.  Type F  datatype cannot be used to define parameters.
27. Rounding off of values can be carried out using the write statement. (T/F). TRUE
  1. How would you define the exponents for a type ‘f’ field?
Exponent <e>.
  1. How would you format the output as left, centered or right-justified using the write statement.
Left-justified, Centered, Right-justified.
  1. If the same formatting options were used for a WRITE statement that follows the FORMAT statement, which settings would take precedence.
The settings in the Write Statement.
  1. For each new event, the system resets all formatting options to their default values (T/F)
  1. All formatting options have the default value OFF. (T/F).
  1. How would you set the formatting options statically and dynamically within a report? Statically: FORMAT <option1>[ON|OFF]….
Dynamically: FORMAT <option1> = <var1><option2>=<var2>….
  1. The page footer is defined using the statement END-OF-PAGE.
  2. The processing block following END-OF-PAGE is processed only if you reserve lines for the footer in the LINE-COUNT option of the REPORT statement. (T/F)
  1. To execute a page break under the condition that less than a certain number of lines is left on a page is achieved by RESERVE n lines.
  2. The RESERVE statement only takes effect if output is written to the subsequent page.  No blank pages are created and it defines a block of lines that must be output as a whole. (T/F). TRUE.
  3. To set the next output line to the first line of a block of lines defined with the RESERVE statement the statement BACK  is used.
  4. What is the limit for the length of a page if the page length is not specified in the report statement. 60,000 lines.
  5. How would you start the printing process from within the program while creating a list?
  1. You can change the width of pages within list levels triggered by page breaks. (T/F).
  1. Hotspots are special areas of an output list used to trigger events. (T/F) TRUE.
  2. To designate fields as hotspots at runtime, use FORMAT HOTSPOT = <h>.
  3. Horizontal lines created with ULINE and blank lines created with SKIP can be formatted as hotspots. (T/F). FALSE.
  4. How would you suppress the display of a parameter on the selection screen?
Parameters <p> ………..No-Display.
  1. Can you assign a matchcode object to a parameter? If so how?
  1. For each SELECT-OPTIONS statement, the system creates a selection table. (T/F)
  1. To position a set of parameters or comments on a single line on the selection screen, you must declare the elements in a block enclosed by
  1. How can Symbols or R/3 icons be output on the screen?
     WRITE <symbol-name>AS SYMBOL.
     WRITE <icon-name> AS ICON.
  1. In the standard setting, you cannot create empty lines with the WRITE statement alone. (T/F).  TRUE.


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