ABAP Debugger
The 2 debuggers
Classic ABAP Debugger
New ABAP Debugger
Frequently Asked QuestionsHow do I debug running background processes or asynchronous processes?
How do I debug completed background process?
How do I debug Updates/System code?
Why does it give a dump w hen I put a break-point in betw een SELECT and ENDSELECT? (classic debugger only)
How do I enter the debugger (/H) from modal dialogs? (popup w indow s)
How do I sw itch betw een the Classic and New Debugger?
Why debugger don't stop at my break-point?
How to debug tRFC function module
How do I debug running background processes or asynchronous processes?
In transaction SM50 (process overview ), you can select a background process and choose Program/Mode -> Program -> Debugging from the menu.
An alternative w orkaround, w hich allow s you to step into a particular piece of code is to place a piece of code in a endless DO-ENDDO, w here you can change a variable to step out of the DO at a
particular point in your code. This allow s you to hold the process at that point and debug it from SM50 as described above. An implementation of this exists in function module C160_HOLD_FOR_DEBUG,
w hich w ill enter the endless loop if a particular environment variable is set, thereby allow ing you to control its behaviour. (Further instructions are found in the comments in subroutine
How do I debug completed background process?
You can do this only after the job has finished execution. This w ill simulate the exact background scenario w ith the same selection screen values as used in the job and sy-batch set to 'X'.
Use SM37 to get list of jobs, put the cursor on the job, type JDBG in the command line ( no '/' ), and press ENTER
You are in debug mode now . Step through SAP program (press F7 couple of times) until you get to code you need.
Note: though running interactively, you can see that sy-batch = 'X'.
How do I debug Updates/System code?
Both options are available from the menu in debugging. Choose Settings -> System/Update Debugging to activate either before proceeding.
Why does it give a dump when I put a break-point in between SELECT and ENDSELECT? (classic debugger only)
A breakpoint in SELECT loops can cause an exception through loss of the database cursor. The reason for this is that during debugging a database commit is triggered and hence the cursor is lost.
How do I enter the debugger (/H) from modal dialogs? (popup windows)
In modal dialogs, the okcode field w here you usually enter /H is protected. You must use a SAPGUI shortcut, as explained in this w iki:
How do I switch between the Classic and New Debugger?
From w ithin the ABAP w orkbench, select the Utilities->Settings Menu
Select the ABAP Editor Tab
Select the Debugging tab w ithin the ABAP Editor Tab
Select the Classic Debugger or New Debugger radio button
Why debugger don't stop at my break-point?
(or step by step, or step into, at a CALL statement, doesn't go into the called procedure)
Many reasons:
Context Explanation Solution
3/4/2014 ABAP Debugger - ABAP Development - SCN Wiki
http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/ABAP+Debugger#ABAPDebugger-HowdoIdebugcompletedbackgroundprocess? 2/3
User exit
you try to debug a user exit (CMOD transaction) Make sure you have activated both the function module AND the user exit
Update task the code is called in an update task (CALL FUNCTION
... IN UPDATE TASK) and you did not activate the
Update debugging and you didn't set the break-point
after the update debugging has been started
enter /h and activate Update debugging, run the program. When the update debugging starts, press F9 key and enter the
name of the function module to add the break-point. Note: a break-point added before the update debugging starts is
the code runs in asynchronous (aRFC, w orkflow ) or
in HTTP (BSP, WebDynpro, BI query, etc.) or is called
from other systems or clients (RFC)
Set an external break-point (see Note 668256 - Using HTTP/external debugging and Note 751872 - Problem analysis
w ith HTTP or external debugging)
External break-points are valid only 2 hours. Solution: add them again.
As explained in note 868830 - Cannot debug an RFC in a HTTP session, if you are currently debugging HTTP, you can't
go into a called RFC function module (even synchronous). The w orkaround is to set an external breakpoint in the called
RFC function module, or sw itch to classic debugger (if the button is available). Note: you don't need an external
breakpoint (step into w orks) if the ICF service option "GUI connection" is set to "Yes".
it runs in background SM37, select the job and use JDBG okcode, the job w ill starts interactively w ith sy-batch = 'X' (see Note 573128 -
Debugging programs in the background)
See How to debug tRFC in the FAQ below
run under
different user
or client
it runs under a different user, or in another client you must both set break-points and run code w ithin same client and w ith same user
you set the break-point in a System program (program
status "System") and you did not activate the System
enter /h and activate System debugging, run the program
you may have to reenter /h and reactivate System debugging if break-point don't w ork again
program not
the program w as already running and you didn't
restart it and the Session Break-Point Immediately
Active setting is off. This option is available in SE38,
menu Utilities | Settings | ABAP Editor | Debugging
Exit program and start it again
Little bugs in
framew ork
or you encountered one of the bugs since 7.0 (as I
could see in SAPKB70013), because of some implicit
enhancement options
enter /h and add a break-point at the beginning of a form, function module or method by using F9 key and entering its name
Little bugs in
local test
or you added a break-point in a Local Test Class
(AUnit). Debug doesn't w ork very w ell (as I could see
in SAPKB70013)
A w orkaround is to call a procedure outside the test class and add a break-point in that procedure
no break
because no
the code is not called! add a break-point at an upper level or use SE30 to trace calls to make sure the procedure is called
How to debug tRFC function module
Say YYYY does CALL FUNCTION 'XXXX' IN BACKGROUND TASK ..., and you w ant to debug XXXX
add breakpoint in YYYY before the CALL FUNCTION
start YYYY
w hen you reach the breakpoint, select menu Settings, Display/Change debugger settings, select the flag "tRFC (In Background Task): Block Sending". This flag means that, w hen the commit w ork occurs,
the background task (FMs + parameters) is stored into database but not executed.
run SM58
Select the background task, and choose menu edit + debug LUW, the "background task" w ill start interactively and the debugger w ill stop at predefined points by sap, and in FM XXXX automatically.
1 Child Page
Soft breakpoint at statement
abap debugger
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