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Monday, July 21, 2014

Ticketing tool

Ticketing tool

Ticketing tool vary from client to client. SAP also provides SAP Solution Manager, which is also used as Ticketing Tool.

General concept of Tickets:

Handling tickets is called Issue Tracking system. The errors or bugs forwarded by the end user to the support team are prioritized under three seviority High, Medium and Low. Each and every seviority as got its time limits before that we have to fix the error.
The main job of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance on line to the customer or the organisation where SAP is already implemented for which the person should be very strong in the subject and the process which are implemented in SAP at the client side to understand,to analyse,to actuate and to give the right solution in right time.This is the job of the support consultant.
The issues or the tickets(problems) which are arised is taken care of on priority basis by the support team consultants.
The work process in support projects are given below for your reference.
1.  The customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail (RADIX).
2.  Each one of the support team is a part of support group. 
3. Whenever a customer logs a call he /she  has to mention to which work group (by name).  
4. Once the calls came to the work group the support consultant or the team need to send an IR (Initial Response) to the user depending upon the priority of the calls. (Top,High,Med,Low,None)  
5. Then the error is fixed, debugged by the support consultant or the team. Then after testing properly by generating TR(Transport Request through the basis admin)
6. Then it is informed to the end user/customer/super user about the changes which have moved to the production server by CTS process.
These are the process.  In summary, what I understand is that if any configuration or customization is required to solve the issue, then the consultant have to work on DEV Client, then the end user will test it in the QA client and after approval the BASIS consultant has to transport it to the PRODUCTION client.
An example:
Tickets in SD can be considered as the problems which the end user or the employee in the company face while working on R/3.  Tickets usually occur during the implementation or after theimplementation of the project.  There can be numerous problem which can occur in the production support and a person who is working in the support has to resolve those tickets in the limited duration, every ticket has the particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline.
To begin with , we should give "TICKET" to you for not knowing it. 
Here is an eg of a ticket raise:
End user is not able to 
1. Create Sales order for a customer from a New plant , since shipping point determination is not happened . ( Without Shipping point the document becomes INCOMPLETE and he will not be able to proceed further like DELIVERY, BILLING).  
He raises a ticket and the priority is set in one of the below:
1. Low  2. Medium  3. High.
Now you need to solve this ticket. You would analyze the problem and identify that the SP configuration has to be done for the new plant.
You would request a transport for DEV CLIENT to BASIS. You do the change and Request one more Transport to BASIS for QA client. The End user will test the same by creating a sales order for the new plant and approve it.
Finally, you request a transport to move the changes to PRODUCTION. Once the change is deployed in production the TICKET is closed.  What I have given is a small example. You would get some real issues with severity HIGH in your day-day support.

Using an External Service Desk

Use this process if your support organization is divided into several levels. Your SAP experts support SAP applications in the SAP Solution Manager Service Desk. Use an external service desk from a third-party supplier to support non-SAP applications, e.g. general IT problem messages. This process describes how the two service desks work together.
§  You have configured the Service Desk using the IMG.
§  You have authorization for your Service Desk tasks.
§  You have connected an external Service Desk to your SAP Solution Manager. For further information, see Connecting an External Service Desk.

Scenario A: Starting from the external service desk
1. The customer, user or reporter creates a support message in the external service desk.
2.       A member of the support unit responsible processes the support message in the external service desk.
3.       He classifies the support message as an SAP application problem and forwards it to the Solution Manager Service Desk.
4.       The system creates a corresponding message in the Solution Manager Service Desk.
5.        The SAP expert processes the support message in the Solution Manager Service Desk.
6.       The external service desk staff send additional processing information.
The system copies the information automatically.
7.The SAP expert sends the support message back to the external service desk with a proposed solution or for further processing.
8.       The external service desk processor puts the support message back in processing.
9.       The external service desk processor sends the support message to the problem reporter, with a proposed solution.
10.                        The problem reporter tests and confirms the solution.
The system closes the message in the external service desk and in the Solution Manager Service Desk.
Scenario B: Starting from the Solution Manager Service Desk
1. The customer, user or reporter creates a support message in the Solution Manager Service Desk.
2.       An SAP expert processes the support message in the Solution Manager Service Desk.
3.       The SAP expert decides that the support message is not an SAP application problem, and forwards it to the external service desk.
4.       The system creates a corresponding message in the Solution Manager Service Desk. The Solution Manager Service Desk shows the processing status of the message as In External Processing.
5.        The external service desk staff process the support message in the external service desk.
6.       The SAP expert sends additional processing information.
7.The SAP external service desk staff send the support message back to the Solution Manager Service Desk, with a proposed solution or for further processing.
The system updates the support message in the Solution Manager Service Desk.
8.       The SAP expert processes the support message in the Solution Manager Service Desk again.
9.       The SAP expert sends the support message to the problem reporter, with a proposed solution.
10.                        The problem reporter tests and confirms the solution.
The system closes the message in the Solution Manager Service Desk and in the external service desk.

Connect an External Service Desk

You connect an external service desk to the Solution Manager service desk, to have different tools for different levels of your support organization. This can, e.g. be an external service desk of a third-party supplier for general IT problem messages, and the Solution Manager service desk for the solution of SAP application problems.


The SAP Solution Manager provides an interface to which you can connect an external service desk from third-party suppliers. You can exchange support messages between the Solution Manager service desk and an external service desk, in both directions, via this interface.
There is a technical description of the interface in the SAP Service Marketplace, under -> Media Library -> Technical Papers  .
§  You have connected an external service desk.
§  You have made the required settings under   Scenario-Specific Settings -> Service Desk  , in the Solution Manager customizing.
If you have connected an external service desk, the following additional functions are available in message processing:
§  Action functions:
§  Send to External Service Desk: Forward a message to an external service desk, for processing.
§  Synchronize with Ext. Service Desk : Refresh message in external service desk. If the message does not yet exist in the external service desk, the system creates it. The message is processed in the Solution Manager service desk.
§  Send Solution to Ext. Service Desk: Forward the message to external service desk with a proposed solution.
§  Additional status of support message in the Context tab:
§  In External Processing: You have sent the message to the external service desk.
§  In Internal Processing: You process a message which was sent from an external service desk.
§  Get Proposed Solution

 Remedy Supporting Tool

please find the below remedy process:

REMEDY :  It is issue management tool used by the service provider to  manage their tickets/issues. The documentation you can find from your  project team, but mainly the process will be as follow for managing

There are several stages from raising the ticket to close it.

1. Creation of Ticket : Inititally user will identify the query and  raise the ticket in Issue management tool.

2. Acceptance of Ticket: Support team will response the user query  saying that We acknowledge the query.

3. Assign to Consultant: Once Ticket is accpeted by support team, they  will assign to respective team

4. Work in process: Consultant will put the status as Work in Process  when he starts working on the issue,

5. User input required : if required more information from user, consultant will change status as user inputs required.

6. Work in process: Once user gives input, consultant will start working on that and put the status as WIP.

7. User testing: Once solution is provided and sent for user testing

8. User Accpetant: User will test and accept / reject the solution

9. Completed : everything goes fine consultant / user will change  status as completed

10. Close: Support team / User will change the status as Close after  completion of query.

Configuration of Solman as Ticketing Tool

Need yr guidance to configure Solution Manager as a ticketing tool in the below scenario:

We hv 04 Production Clents in R/3 (02 Nos - ECC 6.0; 02 Nos - ECC 5.0); Solution Manager has been already been installed in one the Production clients at ECC 6.0. 

Solution manager is reqd to be used as helpdesk tool for all the 04 production clients.

Archiving Solution Manager Service Desk Messages

·         Added by Fernando Rocha, last edited by Fernando Rocha on Dec 20, 2011  (view change)


The purpose of this page is to explain the archiving of service desk messages on Solution Manager.


The service desk messages are composed by two parts: ABA Notification (SLF1) and CRM Transaction (SLFN).
To keep the system consistent, the ABA Notification AND the assigned CRM Transactions have to be removed from the system. Due to this fact, the archiving of Service Desk messages involves two parts: The deletion of the ABA Notification and the archiving of CRM Transaction.

Deletion of ABA Notification

To delete the ABA Notification SAP Note 566225 can be used.
Call transaction DNOTIFWL and set the deletion flag for the Service Desk message. The deletion flag corresponds to the system status I1076 (deletion flag).


If you execute the report in production mode, all messages with the status I0076 are deleted from the database. You can also execute the report in test mode. In this case, the system displays a list of messages that can be deleted.

Archiving of CRM Messages

The deletion of CRM messages is not possible anymore (as of SAP Note 845433). The CRM message only can be archived.
In order to be able to create the archiving file, the CRM transactions need to have the system status I1005 (Completed).  Please make sure that the transactions that you want to archive have this status.

Also the different customizing settings (SARA - Goto - Customizing) as e.g. the residence time, the Recurrence After No. of Days, have an influence if an object can be archived, so please check this also the general information about archiving with transaction SARA under 'Archiving Procedure'.

Once you have done all of the above, please the go through the three steps in SAP Note 1329247:
CRM_ARC_SERORD_CHECK    Check program
CRM_ARC_SERORD_SAVE     Write program
CRM_ARC_SERORD_DELETE   Delete program
When the delete run has completed, the service process has been deleted from the database and is in an archive file

1. Configuration needed to send Service Desk messages to SAP (Standard scenario)
·         Tools

Configuration needed to send Service Desk messages to SAP (Standard scenario)

·         Added by Diego Fischer, last edited by Diego Fischer on Dec 23, 2012


The purpose of this article is to show the configuration needed to send messages to SAP from Solution Manager.


You can send Service Desk Messages directly from Solution Manager if you have all settings correctly configured in your system. In the next steps I will show the main points needed to send the message to SAP with success.

Service Desk message

You have a service desk message created in your Solution Manager and need help from SAP to solve the issue reported inside of the message. In this case, you will need to send the message to SAP for further analysis.

Sending the message to SAP

How to maintain the transaction AISUSER for standard and VAR scenarios

·         Added by Diego Fischer, last edited by Diego Fischer on Dec 30, 2011  (view change)


The purpose of this page is to explain how to maintain the transaction AISUSER for the Standard and VAR scenario used in the Service Desk.


The correct configuration of transaction AISUSER is mandatory in the Service Desk to garantee the exchange of information about the Service Desk messages between SAP and customer side , however this configuration is different for each scenario (Standard and VAR).

Standard Scenario

You are a standard customer and want to send your messages using Solution Manager. In this case you should maintain the AISUSER appropriately.
For instance, if you want that the following users are able to send messages to SAP:
·         USER1
·         USER2
·         USER3
In this case you should maintain all these users in transaction AISUSER informing the user ID in the column "User" and the S-USER in column "Contact Person". You should inform only the numeric characters of the S-User, and also remove the "S" and zeros. Foe example: S000123456 -> 123456.

Important: make sure S-user has the following authorizations in the SAP Support Portal (
Create Customer Messages
Send Customer Messages to SAP
Confirm Customer Messages
Open Service Connections
Maintain System Data
After this configuration your users should be able to send messages to SAP.
In order to have the messages updated with the information sent by SAP, you schedule RNOTIFUPDATE01 in background. The user that runs this report must be maintained in transaction AISUSER, just like any other user.

After this configuration, if SAP has provided an answer to your messages, they will be updated after each job run. 

VAR Scenario

You are a VAR customer and need to send messages of your customers to SAP.  In this case you should maintain the AISUSER appropriately.
For example, you provide support for the following customer:
Information of your customer:
Customer Name: XYZ Company
Customer Number: 123456
00111222333 SMP
00011223344 PRD
You have the following processors:
·         USER1
·         USER2
·         USER3
You must have an S-User assigned to your customer's Installation, and it must have the with the following authorizations:
Create Customer Messages
Send Customer Messages to SAP
Confirm Customer Messages
Open Service Connections
Maintain System Data
In transaction AISUSER you must have the following information maintained:
·         Column USER -> all processors that will send the messages to SAP.
·         Column SAP Customer Number -> Customer Number of your customer.
·         Column Contact Person -> S-User (Without the "S" and zeros)  assigned to your customer.
In order to have the messages updated with information sent by SAP, you must have the RNOTIFUPDATE01 scheduled in background. The user used to run the report also must be maintained in transaction AISUSER as follows:
You should to do the same steps for all your customers.

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·         Added by Tammy Powlas, last edited by Tammy Powlas on Mar 30, 2012
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·         Added by Tammy Powlas, last edited by Tammy Powlas on Mar 31, 2012  (view change)
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Service Desk Team Creation

·         Added by Tammy Powlas, last edited by Tammy Powlas on Apr 14, 2012  (view change)

Support Structure Set up using Organizational Management

Applies to:
Applies to Solution Manager 7.0, Enhancement Pack 1
Using the Solution Manager Service Desk scenario, you can use the SAP standard organization management to set up the support team structure.  This article will walk you through the steps on how to do that. Solution Manager Service Desk can be set up for first level, second level, and even third level SAP support.
Author(s):    Tammy Powlas
Company:    Fairfax Water
Created on:  27 December 2010
Author Bio: Tammy Powlas works for Fairfax Water, is a SAP Mentor and ASUG volunteer with the BI and BITI communities.  She is SAP-certified in FI, CO, BW, SEM and ASAP.


You assign positions and users using Organizational Management functionality.  You should already have the business partners created and the users assigned.

Detailed Steps

Transaction: PPOMA_CRM
Then select Goto->Switch views
Change to General Attributes (BBP). Press ENTER
Click the layout button and select Organizational Structure
Click create button to create a new org structure, PS/Project Systems support.
Click SAVE
Following Dolores Correa’s blog, you will not see a Business Partner number until after you leave the transaction and go into PPOMA_CRM again.
Note that the business partner number is now assigned and was automatically created.  This is critical for you to continue with setting up automatic support team determination.
Click layout and then click Staff assignments
Click Create
Click Incorporates. This will create a position.
Enter Position and Description

After SAVING, assign a user/holder to the position.

You can search by partner number, user, etc:

Click SAVE.
After following these steps, you are now ready to set up automatic team determination for service desk determination.

Component documentationIncident Management Locate this document in the navigation structure

Incident Management includes the following tasks:
§  As a user or customer, you can create support message and display and reply to solutions suggested by support.
§  As a support employee, you can edit and administer support messages.


There are various ways of using the Incident Management functions:
As a support employee and as user or customer, you have the following options:
§  Use the Incident Management Work Center to work in Solution Manager
§  Use the transaction-based Service Desk
Use the more transparent Work Center Incident Management in Solution Manager. It replaces the Service Desk but you can still use the Service Desk.
Workcenter Incident Management is a web-based communication center that enables problem reporters and support employees to communicate directly. The exchange is no longer dependent on e-mails as in the Service Desk.
Only the Service Desk covers the full functionality of Incident Management including, for example, the updating of the solution database. You can execute such extended functionalities of the Service Desk in Work Center Incident Management in expert mode, if you have the authorization to do so.
For the support of non-SAP applications you can continue using an external service desk of a third party provider or the Standard Service Desk via an extended license (Service Desk XT).

SAP Solution Manager Basic Configuration Locate this document in the navigation structure

This process configures the SAP Solution Manager, either after installation or after importing support packages. The system leads you through this process, which comprises the following areas:
§  Initial Configuration
When you have entered logon and authorization data for the SAP Solution Manager ABAP and Java instance administrators, connect the System Landscape Directory (SLD) to the SAP Solution Manager, with this configuration.
§  Basic Configuration
Basic configuration. Configure the basic functions of the SAP Solution Manager.
§  Configuration of Managed Systems
Connect managed systems to the SAP Solution Manager, and configure them for basic SAP Solution Manager functions.


You have installed the SAP Solution Manager and satisfied the following configuration prerequisites:
§  The license key is installed.
§  The profile parameter /ICM_HOST_NAME_FULL or SAPLOCALHOSTFULL is set.
§  The Transport Management System (TMS) is configured.
§  The connection to the SAP backend system exists and works.
§  The SAP Solution Manager Java instance is up-to-date.
You have started the load generator (transaction SGEN), for the following components, before configuration, to increase the performance of your systems in configuration:
§  ST


1. Start the transaction SOLMAN_SETUP, to perform the assisted basic configuration of the SAP Solution Manager.
2. The first time you start your system, you go automatically to a Service Activation dialog window. You confirm the activation of Web-Dynpro Services.
3. The system then shows which configurations are possible, in the SAP Solution Manager: Overview screen. The system tells you which open activitiesyou must perform for a configuration which you have selected.
§  You always perform the initial configuration for new installations. Choose the Initial Configuration view.
§  In an update of the support package stack for your system, you can, for example, go to the process with the Basic Configuration, or only perform part of the initial configuration, for example only to connect SLD.
4. The system starts a guided procedure, and leads you through the configuration steps. When configuring managed systems, you first go to a system selection screen, before the guided procedure starts. For more information, see SAP Solution Manager Basic Configuration Assistant.
You can also perform the basic configuration of the SAP Solution Manager without guided procedures. You must then perform the required SAP Solution Manager customizing activities individually, manually. For more information, see   Basic Settings in   SAP Solution Manager  customizing

The SAP Solution Manager Basic Configuration Assistant Locate this document in the navigation structure

This function leads you through one of the following selectable configurations:
§  Initial Configuration
You create a user for the administration of the SAP Solution Manager. The system performs one-off technical configuration steps, e.g. log the SAP Solution Manager on to the system management.
§  Basic Configuration
You configure the most important SAP Solution Manager functions, applications and work centers, for example:
§  Communication with SAP
§  Service Desk
§  EarlyWatch Alert.
§  Maintenance Optimizer
§  Service Delivery
§  Diagnostics
The system logs the current configuration status in each basic configuration step. You can also see this in the configuration transaction (SOLAR02).
§  Do not perform basic configuration with the users DDIC and SAP*.
§  You can technically perform basic configuration before initial configuration, but you must ensure that the results of the initial configuration are available. The system may not be able to perform the following configuration without initialization.
§  Configuration of Managed Systems
Create connections to managed systems, and configure them, for example for diagnostics.


You can call the guided procedure to configure managed systems for a selected system, from the System Administration work center.


§  The same prerequisites apply as for the basic configuration.
For more information, see SAP Solution Manager Basic Configuration.
§  You have activated the use of Web Dynpro services.


The system leads you through the configuration with a Guided Procedure.
§  Each step contains a context-sensitive, expandable help text with detailed information to help you perform the step.
§  The system proposes default values, which you can accept or change.
§  To edit the guided procedure, you only need to go to change mode once. The system stays in this mode for all other steps. The guided procedure is locked for other users during editing.
§  When you have entered data, you can save it with Save and Continue.
§  You cannot Save in every step. When you choose Continue, the system implicitly saves the part of the data which it uses later for automatic configuration.

Adjust Roles and Profiles  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

        SAPSolution Manager Security Guide contains information about the roles and profiles delivered with the SAPSolution Manager.
        Before you assign SAP standard roles and profiles to users, copy and specify them.

SAP delivers roles and profiles with default values. If they are missing, you must set the values in the authorization objects yourself. Proceed as follows:
       1.      Load the roles/profiles from client 000 into your target client. The following options are available:
       Transport client 000 into your target client (roles and profiles)
       Upload and Download (for roles in transaction PFCG)
       2.      Copy the roles/profiles to your namespace.
                            a.      Choose Role Maintenance (transaction PFCG).
                            b.      Enter a role name and choose Copy Role.
                            c.      Enter the name of the new role in the To Role field.
                            d.      Choose Copy All.
                            e.      Save your entries.
       3.      Complete missing values in the authorization objects.
                            a.      Choose the Authorizations tab.
                            b.      Choose Change Authorization Data.
                            c.      Enter your own values for the authorization objects, or double-click on the yellow traffic light.
The authorization objects appear with a green traffic light.
When you double-click on the yellow traffic light, the value “*” appears. This grants full authorization for this field of the authorization object.
                            d.      Save your entries.
                            e.      Generate the authorization profile.
       4.      Assign the role to users.
                            a.      Choose the Users tab.
                            b.      Enter the user names.
                            c.      Choose User Adjustment.
                            d.      Save your entries.
You can also assign the roles to the users in the user maintenance (transaction SU01)

Solution Manager System Landscape Locate this document in the navigation structure

You create and manage the system landscape centrally in SAP Solution Manager to use the settings in the following areas:
§  Implementation and template projects
§  Monitor change requests (Change Management)
§  Customizing synchronization (Customizing Scout, Customizing Distribution)
§  In operational processing (for example System Monitoring or Incident Management)
§  in Maintenance Optimizer maintenance transactions


The system landscape is the basis for using the SAP Solution Manager.


§  Create landscape components (servers, databases, product systems, technical systems)
§  Assign the active product version for a product system and choose relevant product instances
§  Definition of non-SAP products for use as system landscape settings
§  Automatic reading and saving of data for ABAP product instances
§  Overview of system groups and logical components
§  Create logical components
§  Generation of RFC destinations to managed systems; RFC connection errors are logged
§  Manual data capture, e.g. servers, non-ABAP and planned systems
If you flag servers, databases, or product systems as planned only, you can document the entire system landscape first before you have actually technically installed all of the system units.
§  Specify and assign attributes to landscape components
§  Graphic display
§  Landscape components (servers, databases, product system)
§  Assign attributes to landscape components
§  Analysis of system landscape by components


Call the Solution Manager System Landscape using the link in the System Landscape Management work center.
To find or call up objects that are currently not displayed on the left of the screen, choose:   Landscape Components   Other Object…  .
Deactivate progress indicator
To improve performance, deactivate the progress indicator that is displayed by default in the status bar at the bottom of the screen:
1. Choose   Goto   Configure System Landscape Maintenance   Edit   Advanced Settings  .
2. Enter a value for the Deactivate Progress Indicator option, for example, X.
3. Choose Continue.

which ticketing tool you are using?
 Question Submitted By :: Ragavreddy
I also faced this Question!!    
Answer Posted By  

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
A 3rd party tool called AHD

Is This Answer Correct ?   
18 Yes
5 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
Clarify Tool....From HP

Is This Answer Correct ?   
15 Yes
4 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?

Is This Answer Correct ?   
19 Yes
0 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
HP open view, remedy,mail(Microsoft Outlook),Lotus

Is This Answer Correct ?   
13 Yes
4 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
Solution Manager. It can be used as centralised system to
raise tickets from any system(R3, BIW,APO, CRM etc..)

Is This Answer Correct ?   
10 Yes
5 No
Purushoth Ak 

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
HPSD- HP service Desk.First Users send mails to 1st level
support stating their issue,they then create service call
and assign them to respective Team.Unique no is provided
which is call service call no and it's used as reference no
in future.

Is This Answer Correct ?   
9 Yes
2 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
Peregrine a common ticketing tool used for all the
technologies not only SAP

Is This Answer Correct ?   
9 Yes
2 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
AHD Advanced Help Desk Tool

Is This Answer Correct ?   
3 Yes
2 No

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
CCM.Net tool from TCS. It has all the modules except
Configuration.It was an easy to use & integrate with
existing environment.

Is This Answer Correct ?   
5 Yes
4 No
Jagadeesh K 

  Re: which ticketing tool you are using?
GSRL - Global service request log using in COLGATE - MUMBAI

Is This Answer Correct ?   
3 Yes
4 No

Remedy can be a big help to log/monitor customer related issues , especially for instances that has to be managed through tickets when dealing with the customer's problem. Here are steps in order for you to use Remedy in creating a ticket.
1.     Launch Remedy App. > Click Start > Programs > select Action Request System
2.     Key in your User Name and Password to login and hit Enter
3.     To make a ticket. Click File > Open > Object List > Find, it will then show you a search box  “Search what Keywords?” where you can input the details/description of the problem for opening the ticket then click “Find”
4.     Make a new Remedy trouble ticket. Select the problem that has the best picture for the ticket. Click  “NewTicket”. It will then show you the ticket with the ticket number. Input all the necessary details to the blank ticketfield and click “ Save”. Department that needs to resolve the issue will automatically receive the ticket. 
If you wanted to respond to the ticket, steps are as follows;
1.Launch Remedy App > Select Request for Service > Key in Ticket Number to the request number field, then press CTRL + ENTER to view the ticket then hit  “Acknowledge Ticket” button
2.Input everything you did to resolve the issue on the “Worklog”, then select “Solve” if the issue has been resolve on the Status Menu.


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